The Best-Laid Plans

Sheesh.  What a day.  We’ve gone from early-morning hissy-fit on Bugsy’s part, to both boys eating treats right by Base Camp door, to Bugsy actually eating part of his actual dinner right by Base Camp door, to Fangie simply deciding that enough was enough and, when I came into Base Camp with his dinner, pushing past me and making a successful jail-break into the living room — where Bugsy was.


I am now completely and totally rung out and hung out to dry, after trying to keep up with the three-ring circus that ensued.

I am so tired there’s no way I could paint any kind of picture, words or visuals, to do justice to what happened — I was on the phone to Kim, with the blow-by-blow color commentary, while hovering over the feline proceedings, traipsing after the boys from room to room with a towel ready to hand, waiting for the inevitable fury — that didn’t seem to come.  They were playing, I think.  When this finally sank in, I felt like some kind of dumb valet, and put the towel down.

No hostilities — for around an hour, I think it was.  Then things started to deteriorate and Bugsy got really bolshie — so it was time out, Fangie back into Base Camp and Bugs and I trying to put back some semblance of our usual routine.  Then back into Base Camp to hang out with Fangie while he groomed and love-bombed me and fell asleep.  Then back to more routine play with Bugsy.  Then washing dishes.

All this, after a day that went from confoundingly perplexing to awful, in work and other areas of life.

Now this moment with you — and then to bed.

Good night, friends.  Your good wishes and support mean more to me than I can say.

Wait — I can’t hit publish without mentioning that Bugsy just showed up, walked all over my chest, and then nestled next to me purring.

Like I said.  Sheesh.

About nadbugs

Anita loves cats. This must be because she, too, has had nine lives. She’s been dancing since she could walk, she was a commercial artist and advertising producer, she earned a third-degree black belt in Aikido, she is a drummer with the Afrique Aya Dance Company, she is an attorney, and she’s a meditator and a devoted student of Nonviolent Communication. She also spent one lifetime sidelined with a devastating back injury in 1992. Since then – FELDENKRAIS METHOD® to the rescue. The FELDENKRAIS METHOD is all about dreaming concretely – thinking intelligently and independently by way of a gracious and kind physicality. The work affords all who study it a process by which to reach, with movement, into the mind and the heart, to make nine lives into one whole being.
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31 Responses to The Best-Laid Plans

  1. Well, we were about to suggest it was time for a controlled meeting of the kitties, but that go round really wasn’t entirely what we had in mind. On the bright side, an hour together with little or no fur flying is good noos.

    Purrrrrring that your work (and other areas) gets better. Give Bugs a quick headrubb for us.

    • nadbugs says:

      Oh yes, I thought it was really excellent myself. Nerve-wracking for me, as this is my first time — but as for them, I thought they really did well. I will give Bugsy that rub. If he’ll let me.

  2. Sounds like it went really well! Playing together and then separation when it got too much. You really are doing well! I can imagine your emotions as you’re going through it, but it really does sound like things are moving along. Maybe it’s time for a martini for you? 🙂

  3. Oldcat says:

    I remember when Calla was newly arrived one night Julie came into her safe room with me and she decided to defend it. She got between him and the door, and he would run from her around a sofa. He would run around three sides to find her spitting and swatting at him because she had come across 1 short side to meet him. She ping ponged him around a few times until he got smart enough to climb up on the sofa and vault over her head and out.

    A little minor hissing or chasing is ok unless a big fight start or one of the cats is so scared they hide out. The separation at night and when you are out is a good idea until you get a better feel for how they act.

    • nadbugs says:

      What a description, Julie vaulting out! I wonder what your blood-pressure was doing. Mine would have soared, but that’s just me, probably. Thank you for your guidelines about the fight or fear thing. I find it hard to maintain a sense of proportion. You could probably tell that.

  4. It all sounds healthy to me, although it sounds like your nerves are a bit frayed at this point. Did the cuddle session with Fangie help you relax at all?

    Funny – I still get banished to the bathroom when I get a little too rough with Kitty. Hopefully you won’t need Base Camp as long as I’ve had a Base Camp!

    • nadbugs says:

      Fangie’s not relaxing! He is a powerhouse even when he’s chilling, more and more so. And now he’s quarantined, I’m going to have a job keeping him on an even keel. Hey, Pedro — do you think you need a mediator with Kitty? She sounds like a handful and I can understand the feelings of frustration you must be experiencing.

  5. MTVA says:

    It sounds like one of those good old cartoons from our youth is playing at your house! The ups, the downs, the chasing, the palpitations…some day you’ll look back on this and think it was great fun! But seriously, it sounds like really good progress and both of them do seem interested in one another. Much better than intense hatred or fear. The next encounter could be very different, they will feel that they know each other, and may already be on their way to a nice relationship. And I hope today is better for you in every way, it sounds like one exhausting and crazy day you just had. Oh, and your “some kind of dumb valet” remark just has me collapsing in giggles!

    • nadbugs says:

      Oh so glad you laughed. That does my heart good. I do wonder whether anyone thinks my jokes are funny other than me. Do you think that’s one reason that people go into stand-up? Just to see whether anybody laughs? Thank you so much for your good wishes. Today was pretty rough, too, what with the vet and a million other things crowding around to be done. That didn’t get done. Tomorrow’s another day. I trust.

  6. Dianda says:

    Sounds like you had a rough day!

    That also happened to me when I had Hiro in basecamp. But instead of Hiro escaping when I opened the door. Suki got into the room, letting Hiro know that she absolutely wanted him gone, with a lot of hissing and growling.

    I was so upset after that, except Hiro. Being the kitty he was. He didn’t really cared. 🙂
    And now they’re buddies.

    Things will be okay, it just takes time. 😉
    And you’re the best you can! And I think you’re doing it great!

    • nadbugs says:

      This is such a great encouragement. Thank you so much! Wow it sounds like it got pretty tense there for you. I can totally get why you were upset. And so wonderful to hear that the cats are buddies now. I love that.

      • Dianda says:

        It was pretty tense! It took two weeks before I finally felt save with leaving Hiro outside together with Suki. And it took another two or three weeks before Suki finally stopped hissing. Suki is a pretty difficult cat, with these things.

        And you’re welcome! 🙂
        I’m sure it’s all a very weird situation for both cats as well! Escaping and all. 😉

  7. Yep – just trying to keep you on your toes…..sometimes introductions go so smoothly it makes us wonder qhy they can’t all go that way. Mom says if there is no blood, name calling is legal (at least in this case). 🙂

  8. kimmo says:

    Isn’t life a wonder!

  9. Anne D says:

    My mother would have said “Have courage” or “Ayez courage” in her native French. I took in my daughter’s cat who became the Alpha of our neighborhood. She was a meanie- luckily she could spend the day outside. Fast forward 9 years when I found a starving , white 6 month old and brought her home. My husband said 2 things:
    1) You can’t save that cat.
    2) If you do Rhiannon (the alpha) will kill her.
    It was shaky at first with a few battles but the white cat hung around (first time in her life she had food on a regular basis) and Rhiannon mostly just hissed at her. Rhiannon was psychic–always seemed to know what was happening before it did. She only lived 10 months after the white cat’s arrival and I think she didn’t want to chase off the cat who would become out cat guardian . Interestingly enough the white cat kept looking for her after her death. It has been almost 15 years and we still have the white cat.

  10. Wazeau says:

    Deep breaths… deep breaths… this too shall pass.

  11. CATachresis says:

    I hope your energy lasts the duration! It was exhausting enough aclimatising one cat! Let’s hope before long Bugs and Fanga become good buddies 🙂

    • nadbugs says:

      Hope springs eternal. But seriously — I do think in the fullness of time, it will come to pass. Everybody keeps saying the same encouraging things. The vet did, too. If they don’t draw blood or hide, they’re good. Bloodless name-calling is legal. I think I’ll just keep repeating that to myself. Bloodless name-calling is legal.

  12. I applaud you bean! I tried this last fall, mind you with a kitten, my inside cats, Baby & Panda, Baby being the alpha female said a big fat NO! They wouldn’t even come in our bed room~ I bottle raised Baby from 10 days old after her mom abandoned her in a rain storm~ She is now 5 going on I’m number 1. Hang in there I’m sure all your work will pay off and your two boys will be great friends~ Love the blog!

    • nadbugs says:

      Hey, great, Annie! The encouragement is so very very welcome. And welcome, you, to the blog! I LOVE that you love it. I’m noticing a “shellseeker” hash-tag — is that from Rosamunde Pilcher? I love her books.

  13. Pingback: Return From The Dark Place | catself

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