A Very Important Award

With a nod to one of our favorite blog-pals Katnip Lounge, we’ve been honored with the Very Important Person Cat award by another of our favorites, Confessions of A Cat Woman.

Confessions is an avatar of wit and style, so we’re extremely pleased to be in such excellent company.  Our good friend and companion honoree Rockin’ The Purple is always essential wonderful reading and these days we’re especially appreciative, in light of the tough times she’s been through lately.

Rather than tackle the grueling list of qualifying questions for this Award, we’d rather answer Confession’s question about how we have accomplished our progress in welcoming new brother Fang into the household.  We’d like to think of this as a public service.  Plus we couldn’t possibly top Confession’s wit – and plus we’re trying to conserve our question-answering strength for the bar exam later in the summer, in case Bean’s judge wins his election and gets elevated to the appellate court.  (Paws crossed everybody and if you live in Searcy and neighboring counties, Arkansas, you need to vote for the man.  Not the woman.  The man.)

So here’s the secret of our progress so far.

But stay.  First, not to get too carried away with this peace love and flowers thing.  Bean just found a hank of Fang’s hair that looked like it had been sliced off with a razor.  The fights can still be epic.  They’re less frequent – but they’re still intense.

Now the secret.

♠  Fang’s just a year or so younger than Bugs.  So the interest-level between the two boys is comparable.

  We really took our time with the introduction.  Jackson Galaxy’s directions were essential and we tried to follow them to the letter.  For those of you who haven’t been following the saga, scroll back in this blog to here and read in amazement.

  We think Jackson’s floral essences helped also.  We used “Safe Space” for Fangie and “Peacemaker” or “Stress-Stopper” for Bugs.

  Teresa and her Tellington Touch work with Bugs.  Bean is sure he’s a much more mature and mellow guy thanks to the connection we’ve established with that work.  And Bean’s own interpretation of that work, through her FELDENKRAIS® education.

♠  Bean’s heeding all your advice about not freaking out, about how the fights are a necessary element of establishing territory and hierarchy.

  Particularly Kim’s advice about the fights – that Bean needed to take Bugs’s side every time, and praise him for defending his homeplace.  (And Bean sneaking in some aid and comfort to Fang when Bugs wasn’t looking.)

♠  Another factor was Bean’s (rather scary) un- or under-employment.  The up-side of this was that Bean had time and on-the-spot presence to be able to mediate where absolutely necessary.

♥  Another factor may have been the Bean’s love for both boys to the absolute utmost capacity of the human heart in question.

  And doubtless the most decisive factor:  The excellent boys themselves.

They are the stars of this show.

About nadbugs

Anita loves cats. This must be because she, too, has had nine lives. She’s been dancing since she could walk, she was a commercial artist and advertising producer, she earned a third-degree black belt in Aikido, she is a drummer with the Afrique Aya Dance Company, she is an attorney, and she’s a meditator and a devoted student of Nonviolent Communication. She also spent one lifetime sidelined with a devastating back injury in 1992. Since then – FELDENKRAIS METHOD® to the rescue. The FELDENKRAIS METHOD is all about dreaming concretely – thinking intelligently and independently by way of a gracious and kind physicality. The work affords all who study it a process by which to reach, with movement, into the mind and the heart, to make nine lives into one whole being.
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28 Responses to A Very Important Award

  1. Ivy says:

    What a treat this post is! I got nothing to say but I had to let you know how much I enjoyed the post…

  2. lahgitana says:

    look at those beautiful guys!

    • nadbugs says:

      Eye candy. I’m so nuts about them, I really understand that “Wordless Wednesday” trope. I’d plaster the blog with just pictures. If I weren’t such a logorrhoea-head.

  3. Congratulations!
    You really have worked hard to accomplish what looks like a great (but I know, not perfect) relationship between those boys! Love the picture too!

  4. CATachresis says:

    Congratulations!!! A Worthy winner indeed! Those boys are a testament to your patience and care.

  5. Dianda says:

    I didn’t know Jackson had a blog! 😦
    I’m going to check it out right now!

    • nadbugs says:

      Dianda, he’s all over social media. Sociable guy that he is. You can subscribe to his blog and really stay in touch that way. Let me know if you need a link. Plus he’s on FaceBook too. And twitter (which I myself don’t do).

  6. Marcy Benham says:

    Congrats to the entire family! In this case, it takes 3 to tango!

  7. MTVA says:

    It’s plain to see that you all were meant for one other! Bugs and Fang look so angelic at the doorway -but they don’t fool me! They were probably chattering at some taunting blue jay and wishing he was on their supper menu…

  8. happycatgirl says:

    Wow meow! Congrats, I didn’t know so much work went into fostering the happy friendship. As always, ur posts are both entertaining and educational like a well balanced meal! 🙂

  9. IsobelandCat says:

    You have worked so hard at this. It is lovely to see the boys together. I hope the ferocity of the fights cools down. I am supposing they are both neutered?ni am wondering how long ago that would have been.
    And is Bugs top cat? A neighbour who introduced a new cat was horrified that it assumed the dominant role, and would take every opportunity to redress the balance, giving first cat his meal first etc. but the new kitten was dominant and despite her efforts, became top cat.

    • nadbugs says:

      Well let’s see. Bugsy was fixed around February 2010; Fangie I don’t know exactly because his prior guardian took care of that — it’s been months at least. I’m pretty sure Bugs is top cat, but I’m so interested to hear your neighbor’s story about how it didn’t work like that in that case. Just goes to show what I think is really a core truth: There are no hard & fast rules about any of this. Perhaps general tendencies — but each individual is unique. I think Bugs in top guy — but your comment makes me wonder, in our case, whether that’s really so. Fang sure stands up for himself, and he begins the donnybrooks sometimes, and I think that’s him playing — But perhaps the situation really is still in flux — and because I really want it to settle down, I’m seeing settling where it’s not really happening quite yet. Or maybe this is the way it’s going to be, and I just need to get with the program. Time will tell, I guess.

  10. phoerauf says:

    I’m so glad that things are going well. We have interviewed Jackson Galaxy and find him to be AMAZING!

    My name is Oskar & I’d like to invite you to be featured on my blog at http://www.PetBlogsUnited.com. It’s a great way to meet new blogging friends. If you’re interested you can drop me a line at PBU at comcast dot net.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  11. We’re so glad things are going well with Bugs and Fang…let’s hope it continues! We know all about not getting along…us boys for some reason just don’t like that she-devil girlcat that lives here and she’s not too thrilled with us either! Our mom has invested many green papers in behaviorists, feliway, medications, and yes, even Jackson Galaxy’s secret potions to no avail. Four years later, we have sort of a routine going on now where that girlcat is kept separated from us boys, but our mom continues to work with all of us and hopes one day we might tolerate each other. She can dream, can’t she??


  12. Congratz on a cool award!!! So interesting to read about your integration experiences…and we just visited your friend that nominated you. And we, of course, LOVE her too. : )

    Happiest of Easters to you!!!
    xoxo Katie & Glogirly

  13. Congrats on the award!

    Bugs and Fangie are just adorable. and I’m so glad to hear that they are (more or less) getting along well. Since foster cat Tom is staying with us for longer than originally anticipated, we’re letting him out of “his” room and encouraging him to interact with the other cats. With our fractious lot, it takes time and it’s always good to have reminders from others that most of the time, some kind of balance is achieved!

  14. nadbugs says:

    Layla, you helped a lot. Thank you!

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